Brian Wisti ( he / him / his )
Caffeinated, occasionally crafty geek in Seattle. I like lanter专业破解版下载百度云, drawing, and yarn.
A blog, of sorts. I keep quick notes and longer posts here. Mostly about computers and code, but sometimes drawings and 蓝·灯下载. And other stuff. It's a plain old fashioned personal site.

Slow City Doodle
I put a shocking amount of effort in making sure this didn’t look overly polished. Seriously. Got to “nearly finished” a few times, and scrapped it because it looked too mechanical.
Fred Brooks was right
Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.
That line’s been in my head since yesterday for boring work reasons. The important part is thank goodness for SQL files. The ones I can understand, anyways.

Tangling code from Hugo content with Raku
I could just use Org mode, but noo that’s too easy
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OrgMode-ish VimWiki
I just wanted to see if I can do it without vim-orgmode. I can. Sort of. Using Vimwiki with TaskWiki for Taskwarrior integration. Not appearing in this image: vim-table-mode. Appearing but not relevant to the Org-ish experiment is vim-which-key. Completely missing: any sort of Babel code evaluation/tangling.
That agenda-ish task list is real cool but needs to show more info, like tags.

Ox Hugo for the Orgconfig
32F834948B1F1FF289F5AD7F41CD49BC85993C17.torrent ...:1 天前 · 32F834948B1F1FF289F5AD7F41CD49BC85993C17.torrent百度云网盘下载,资源大小17.45 KB,搜索盘不提供保存服务 ...
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